botany of silence

katalog: grupa autora

odlomak iz knjige

Izdavač: Blum
Prevod: grupa prevodilaca
Godina izdanja: 2023.
Povez: Broširano
Format: 20 x 13 cm
Pismo: Latinica
Cena: 0 RSD

The concept of this book/catalogue/literary herbarium is very simple and without any big conceptual pretensions: 7 contemporary Serbian authors whom we both love as people and as writers. It is about 7 different poetics that sprout from the same „terroir“ and despite their differences they unmistakably refer to it: this is our literature from the beginning of the 21st century and it could hardly have been created in any other place, in any other time.

Anja Marković

Alen Bešić

Ana Marija Grbić

Bojan Vasić

Maša Seničić

Milica Špadijer

Aleksandar Šurbatović

Ostala izdanja iz ove edicije: